Friday, August 13, 2010

15 Questions for SuperMan

These cracked up questions have been heavily thought upon…In case you find this Super Hero, do ask him these questions before he flies away.

Q1. Why red and blue? There are so many colors to choose from, why only these two? Be careful Superman, Bulls hate red colour, and we don’t want the destroyer of destruction and chaos to sit at home with a leg fracture…because a bull ran over him.

Q2. No mask? All the other superheroes have masks, we can’t you have. Did your cleaning lady throw it because she thought it was some pathetic fancy dress costume? Or have you...

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Diego Forlan

Diego Forlán has been instrumental in the performance of Uruguay at the FIFA World Cup. No surprises that he won the Best Player of the Tournament.

Diego Forlán was born into a family of footballers, his father Pablo having played for Uruguay in the 1966 and 1974 FIFA World Cups and his grandfather, Juan Carlos Corazo, for Independiente in Argentina. Forlán joined Independiente after rising through their youth team, and after a successful four year spell signed for Manchester United.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

World Cup Final Experience

For the first time ever I was going to the Fan Zone to watch the the ultimate clash. It was a truly blissful experience, seeing Spain win for the first time.

As a woke up from a slumber, only one thought crossed my mind-is it time? It was, and I quickly dressed up to meet my other friends and we headed towards the FIFA Fan Zone. As we reached the area, disappointment engulfed us.

The line towards the entrance was humongous . Apparently, only families had permission for entrance, and if there was any space left, “bachelors” would get permission. After much discussion, it was decided that one of our parents would be called, so that we would at least have a chance for entrance.

The FIFA Fan Zone was well built, showing clips and photos regarding the previous World Cups and the stadiums proposed by Qatar for their 2022 Bid.

Finally, it was time to watch Spain clobber Netherlands. Weaving through the crowds, we managed to get the first row seats. I admit, the first half was totally boring, except for a few incredible saves from both the goal-keepers.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Greatest Inventor

"Necessity is the mother of all inventions"

Google search for "greatest inventor" , you will find many searches (585,000 to be exact!). Do not worry; I shall summarize the top searches for you.

One Website ( tells us about Nikola Tesla being the greatest of all times. No doubt, his contribution in electromagnetism is unquestionable. According to me, his contribution IS the most important in this field. The only reason many people do not remember him is because of his American adversary Thomas Alva Edison and his lack of knowledge in patenting business. But to call him the greatest inventor... is not it kind of absurd.

Second link ( has to be Wikipedia; a list of all the inventors which appeared on the face of this earth. But it forgot one very important inventor; keep guessing, I will tell you in the end (Hint: initials of this inventor is M.N.)

Third link ( is created six students and contains the following names in its Hall Of Fame (you can also add a name to it)

Alexander Bell: invented the telephone; a very important invention, revolutionized telecommunications for good, no doubt an inductee in Hall Of Fame, but still not the best.

George Carver: invented many uses for peanuts; I am not a great fan of peanuts, so I cannot exactly say anything on it.

Marie Curie: discovered radium; with all due respect to her, we are talking about inventors, NOT discoverers. Otherwise she really deserved a top spot (Hint: M.N. is female.)

George Eastman: invented film; for me, film is a means of entertainment, not actually a very important invention, when you compare it with airplanes, cars, etc.

Henry Ford: invented assembly line and car; very important, no doubt. But then again, his one invention is single-handedly killing environment. He is a very important inventor, but not the best

Benjamin Franklin: part discoverer, part inventor, he belongs to a separate category, in which people like Leonardo Da Vinci, Isaac newton belonged. This category consists of people who aren't satisfied with one invention, so keep doing things until they are buried in their graves; Top candidates, but still, not the best.

Now this link ( is very good. I will quote it for you

Q- Who is the greatest inventor of all time?

A-There is no exact greatest inventor of all time, as every great inventor's contribution is equally important to the society throughout history. But the most probable candidates for the greatest inventor include: Nikola Tesla, Leonardo Da Vinci, Robert Goddard, Alexander Graham Bell (who is the first to patent the telephone), Thomas Edison (for his invention of the improved light bulb), Archimedes and the guy who invented the first modern telescope back in the Renaissance Era, etc.

I noticed something peculiar- many notable inventors are not included. For example, the person who introduced counting and numbers to humanity, the inventor of wheel and clothes...all these are very important inventions. It's kind of insulting; not insulting our forefathers in this list, even if they are anonymous in the pages of history.

You can keep searching for more articles, each with different views and ideas. So I end by telling the name of the greatest inventor- according to me, which I hope all will agree.

Have you ever wondered about elements and substances which were discovered and are yet to be discovered; who made them? How did it come? How useful is it to us?

Consider the example of oxygen. Discovered in 1772, this gas was then known as "fire gas" . It's the crucial element for our survival, therefore a very important element. Carl Scheele discovered it. But who invented it? Well folks, the answer is simple...MOTHER NATURE. She IS the greatest inventor of all times. Mankind's every single discovery has been her invention. Early Man wanted food, clothes, fire and all other things, which was provided by Mother Nature, not some creepy looking Martian who came in ‘peace' "V" . Come to think of it, almost every invention of man is indirectly related to an invention of Mother Nature. Everything is being provided in this huge warehouse, you just have to find it. So I think I can safely say that

"Mother Nature is the mother of all inventions "

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


0230GMT 2100 local- 5/3/2010

Henry Schneider was waiting for Gates inside his room. He was exactly acting the way Schneider wanted him to. He just needed the codes…

“So you are still here? I have debriefed the plan to the general.”

“Without even consulting me?”

Gates sighed, “I don’t need to ask you about my responsibilities, for God’s sake.”

Schneider paused for a moment, “So, what’s your brilliant plan?”

“We wait for the scientists to reach safe haven. Then we attack with the SWAT team. Kill all the damn bastards we find inside.”

“That’s what your problem is, Gates. You feel that every problem has this pathetic solution. What will the SWAT do? They can’t combat people who have an arsenal of guns which literally shock you to death.”

“So what should I do? Wait for them to get cancer? I just can’t stand here and watch in silence while they infiltrate the whole defense of USA. What other option do I have? ”

Schneider took a crucial moment of silence, “Well, there is always the atomic bomb.”

Gates went speechless. He couldn't get the exact words to describe that idea. After a few moments, he got his speech back, “ARE YOU INSANE? Do you realize that 10 towns are close-by? The whole district is in danger, JAGUAR IS IN DANGER.”

“Look at the big picture, Gates. How many people know that a laboratory exists near that area? You can easily relocate those people. Just give a false alarm… tornado or something. Then give a damn nuke to those *************. You can do that. Then a send team to seal off the area; absorb all the radiations; Clear the area and you’re done”

“What about Jaguar?”

“I can HACK into it. Just give me the codes to blue gene.”

“NEVER”, Gates would never give someone something as precious as the password codes to Blue Gene.

“Listen, you send some damn team, and lose half the members in the fight, which has a 30% success rate. With a nuke attack, its 100% sure; they all will be minced meat. We have a day, just clear the area, and go full out. And about Jaguar, I know you are in love with that supercomputer; to save that we need the help of another supercomputer. Blue Gene is capable of hacking into Jaguar. We transfer all the files, set up temporary workstations and Blue Gene will be as fast as Jaguar. If you help, I might actually save Jaguar. Just go for it, tiger.”

Gates thought for a while. Then, “ OK, but you will NOT get the codes. I will come with you.”

After a pause, “Agreed”.

Gates went to inform the meteorology department about a tornado strike in Tennessee. While he was preparing for the nuclear attack, Henry Seinfeld Schneider smiled inwardly. He was finally going to get access to Blue Gene.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory
05000GMT 0015 local-5/3/2010

Peter was walking down the aisle with Joshua, heading for Cray Jaguar. He was still unable to say anything; gaping at the person who he thought died six months ago. How was it possible? He wanted answers, and he wanted it right now!

Joshua sensed his curiosity and tried to explain the whole matter, “I'm really sorry, P. It was part of the act. Collingwood told me about Schneider, and his devious plan. So we decided that it was best for me to feign death. He was almost about to know that I’m a time sequencer, and I possibly couldn’t give away that position, so there. I hope you understand.”

“No, I don’t. I didn’t understand a single effing thing. First of all, who is this Blackadder or Schneider? What did he want from me? Why did he mistake me for you? AND WHO THE HELL IS A TIME SEQUENCER?!”

“Boy, didn’t Collingwood explain you time sequences?”

“That’s the only thing he did.”

“Oh boy, there’s a lot of explaining to do. We better go there.” saying that he grabbed hold of peter, and peter suddenly felt as if he was made to sit on a totally gruesome roller coaster, with no start or end. Surprisingly, this experience lasted only for 1 second. When he opened his eyes, he saw the whole team staring at him.

0330GMT 2200 local- 5/3/2010

Schneider was waiting for Gates; he was still working on the mass evacuation plan in Tennessee. It had been almost an hour. Schneider was thinking about his next move. After Gates gives in the code, he will no longer be needed; a simple piece of waste.

“Sorry for being late, let’s go.”

“About freaking time, what took you so long?”

“Sending a message to the president. Apparently, he was busy. Some sort of urgent meeting.”

Schneider felt silent. Ever since he started co-operating with Gates, Collingwood was always one step ahead of him. It was widely known that Gates was the President’s personal puppy; he would blabber everything in front of him, what if…

“Here we are; presenting before you- Blue Gene.”

Schneider was awestruck. All the answers to his questions were sealed inside this computer. It was a majestic beauty. He was able to see all the workstations through the glass panel. he couldn't resist the temptation.But he had to wait. He had to be patient.

“Only one server is limited to the user”, Gates said, pointing towards a mainframe desktop situated at the extreme right corner.

While they were walking, Schneider was trying to diverge Gates’ mind from the current matter.

“Tell me Gates. Why is Pentagon still going on with Blue Gene? No development on it at all.”

Gates chuckled. “We always give hoax information about Pentagon. Blue Gene is currently the fastest computer in the world. The speed is nearly a petaFLOP. Most of the technological resources are hell bent on making Blue Gene faster and more efficient. We are successfully able to maneuver automated rockets thanks to Blue Gene. We can hack into any mini-computer in seconds. Pentagon even has the capabilities to develop a fully operational human clone. But we just have to limit our usage, because we believe that China is closely monitoring our moves. If they get to know, then..." he sighed "anyways, here we are.”

Gates typed in the codes for running Blue Gene manually. When he finished typing the 16-digit code, he turned towards Schneider,a crack sound from out of nowhere, and then world around him turned numb and black…

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Blogging Harihar Kaka

p.s. I am NOT copying Dan Bergstein, he’s just my inspiration
p.p.s. I will be making assumptions before reading that part of the story, so keep a track on the scores

This mega-20 page ‘’short story’’ is written by a certain guy named ‘’mithileshwar’’. -.-

Can someone please explain it to me why don’t the parents of future-poets-and-writers give a proper name, like Sachin or Rahul or Ramu or Ram? Seriously, we will start treating them like fellow human beings and not aliens from Mars or Venus. For the sake of it, we’ll call him ‘’MTV’’.

PAGE 1/20 (it depends upon the story; I assume it’s going to get boring so page by page)

The story starts with the writer visiting Harihar Kaka. In case you haven’t noticed, he is the main character of the novel, and my assumption is he will go through a lot of troubles, while MTV enjoys the view in the background. Please remember this line; I don’t the exact reason but just in case. Let us call him kaka… no, I don’t want to insult the footballer …yes, haka… I know that’s lame, but after all he’s the protagonist (I assume he will act like a true antagonist).

MTV also visited him the day before… I seriously doubt their relationship (how old is haka? How old is MTV? Is he gay?). He didn’t speak anything at all (this solidifies my assumption). But the next lines throw my assumption in the dustbin.

Me:0; MTV: 1…grrrr…

He talks about how deep has haka fallen in problems, like tatanic drowing and captain yelling ‘’MAY-DAY MAY-DAY’’ but doesn’t realize that he hasn’t switched the radio on. Same way haka can’t do about it…duh, just switch the radio on, dude (I don’t know what has to do with haka’s life but still worth a try, I assume, and I know, that it is set during the period of r.d. burman and mohammad rafi, so listen to their music, or else assumption no.5 coming up; he’s either poor or stingy)

Me:1(I’m told you from before, he has more problems than hell can offer); MTV: 1

Then MTV gets all nausea and unfortunately tells us that he and haka were damn good friends right from the day MTV came to this planet. He summarizes his love/respect/stupidity for haka into TWO POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this breaks my assumption that the whole 20 pages were filled about his love for haka, and how he secretly showed MTV villages divas and how both happily went to strip clubs, where haka fell in for a girl and she dumped him; hence the sadness.

Me:2; MTV: 2

So the two points are:-1. Haka lives in MTV’s neighborhood :\
2. He used to loved MTV a lot (I’m telling you, dark motives)
He ALSO tells us when he reached adulthood, haka became his bff…that ruins his chance of having a sexy girlfriend, and that’s why he became a writer.


Back to reality, he’s getting paranoid about haka’s current state, who has bed-ridden himselfand my assumption has come true. He wants to be like MJ, and sleep with small children. But mr. haka, you are PWNED. The story’s false :P. with this I can safely say he’s the antagonist

Me:3 ; MTV: 2

No. of predictions-7

MTV is getting paranoid about haka and talks about it


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


P.S. I've used my stretch of imagination to the limit. please do say whether i was able to convince it to you guys properly or not :)
p.p.s. ππ refers to 'pi to the power of pi'

0200GMT 2100 local- 3/3/2010

Robert Gates never heard something more intriguing in his life. It was like some short story of Isaac Asimov playing out in real life. Time sequences? What the hell was that? The more he thought about it, the more confusing it became. So the best thing was, SEE the whole story itself

"Sir, the President has come to see you.’’

"Oh good, good, bring him inside.’’

“Hello Gates, what seems to be the problem?”

“President Obama, it is a very serious problem. Jaguar is in danger. I have called all the scientists from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. They will be in Pentagon in about a day. Then I’ve… decided to attack the laboratory.”

All the president did was laugh. After all, Gates decided to take the matter in his own hands. He was just informing the president, that’s all.

“Sir, it is very serious. My informant tells me of a great threat to our nation. We need to combat it as soon as possible.”

“Slow down there Gates. First of all tell me, what is this great threat you are talking about? Terrorists, I don’t think so. Otherwise the scientists would surely be held captive. Destructive virus, you don’t need military personals, but expert computer engineers and code-breakers.”

“Sir, I respect the fact that you require knowledge about this step pentagon is about to take, but it is too complicated. I assure you that no harm would come to the Jaguar.”

“Gates, I never doubted your ability, but as the President of the United States of America, I demand information about this matter”

Gates sighed,“Ok boss, but don’t tell me it’s all confusing. I still haven’t got it myself…. Here goes, it is all regarding time and something called time sequences. ”

Barack Obama squirmed a bit. He DID know what Gates was talking about.

4 hours later
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
05015GMT 0015 local-5/3/2010

Peter was walking through the advanced laboratory, following Collingwood. He still didn’t know what was happening. But all he knew was that he could now finally see, and this was no dream.

“First of all, let me introduce to you my team. This is John Donovan, brilliant in mathematics.’’ A talk boy with a French goatee came up to him and shook hands.

"’Kelly Patterson, an expert in medicine. She was the one who got your leg in working condition, and also the eyes.’’ A red-haired girl with a height as same as peter’s came and him and shook hands, “Hi Peter, How are you feeling now?’’ “Er…fine. Thanks a lot.” “No problem”. This was how the first conversation between Peter and a girl went. It was the first time a girl came up to him, and it went surprisingly pleasing for him.

“The Todd twins…Thomas and Jerome. They are the boys who made your cyborg eyes, and as well as other… gadgets.’’. The brothers looked…abnormal. They had a really small head, accompanied by long hands and legs. "Please Collingwood… call them weapons.’’they protested playfully and Peter could’ve sworn that Collingwood gave them a venomous look, which instantly took the smile out of their faces.

"These were my past students, who graduated a few years ago. You’ll meet the fifth member afterwards. Now before you fire away your questions, I will you tell the general idea. You remember your article ‘Time Frames and their Concept’?’’

Obviously Peter knew his award-winning article on his vague imaginary concept of time frames. All he did was nod.

“Can you explain the general idea of it?”

“Well… it’s like this. Time is divided into each ‘time frame’. Each time frame occupies only… 1/ππ second, which many of us refer to as a ‘moment’, this 1/ ππ second is called as the ‘time constant’. Every time constant, we move from one time frame to another consecutive time frame, which is… scripted, unless some external force acts on it. When it happens, some major catastrophe happens, which need not be in that particular time frame. Time frames never move, and if even one of them moves, it can actually result in people being in different places at the SAME TIME! A time catastrophe need not be in a time frame coming after the incident time frame; it can occur before the incident time frame, it means a time catastrophe can affect either past or future…”

“So, we are basically in the future, past and as well as the present?’’ Collingwood interrupted.

“Well, yes. It is possible we can see our future selves as well our past can come to meet their future, possibly us- depends on which time frame they get. So as I was saying, a time catastrophe can affect either past or future. We can also teleport from one time frame to another consecutive time frame, with a change of location. This whole thing is called a time sequence; everything moving from one time frame to the next, in a systematic movement, which I think is the basis of harmony.”

After Peter finished, he noticed their expressions for the first time since he started talking about ‘time sequences’. Except Collingwood, every person had his mouth open in disbelief. Then Thomas bowed down as said “God bless Newton. Every action has a reaction. It all makes sense.’’

“So this is the guy you were waiting for’’, John remarked. Kelly just beamed at him. Peter couldn’t guess what they were talking about. Apparently, Collingwood decided to continue the guessing game.

“Well, let us expand your theory a bit. You said that time is divided into frames, and every time constant we switch from one frame to another. Suppose a person misses a switch. What happens then?”

“If this happens, but obviously the sequence collapses.”

“Let me make this clear, universal processes, including time sequence, are not perfect. A ‘switch miss’ is the most common error. And it results in… deja vu”

“Hmm. Repeated incidents in a short interval of time; that makes sense. But what if that person just gets stuck in that time frame?”

“There has been no such recorded evidence. But I believe it would lead to death.” John mentioned. He and Collingwood were doing the explaining part. Rest all were just listening.

“How so?”

“In an exclusive time frame, life processes of our body stops. If heart-beat or breathing stops, the man dies. ”

“So, if a person does get stuck in a time frame, do other people notice it. ”

“Again, we have no recorded evidence to prove it. But a person being stuck for more than 1 second is very rare. A possibility of 10 ^-100.”

“You said that time frame doesn’t move, so how do we shift from one time frame to another?” Collingwood resumed.

Peter thought for a while. “It becomes apparent that we move.”

“But we are stuck in one place. If I sit, then does that mean I am not switching time frames? Obviously not. It so happens that time frames CAN move. But apparent distance has to be same. Sometimes it so happens that time flies or it moves slowly. Well, this happens because the apparent distance between frames decrease or increase as in the respective cases. Time frames have a minute magnetic field around them, which keeps on fluctuating. This prevents over-lapping of time frames”

“Professor, can we ‘see’ time sequence”

“peter, have you heard about 10th dimension.”

“A hypothetical idea about all the possibilities contained in one point”

“Yet, do you think, that 10th dimension is just a point?” All the others were quiet. It seemed that Collingwood was hitting practicality to its limit.

Peter went on, “of course not, we are imagining it to be a point.”

“Bingo, you hit it. All this idea about time sequence is truly hypothetical. We are imagining it to be a an ongoing film in which each frame of the movie roll is a time frame. It works systematically, it brings harmony. But we here are bent upon this topic, this theory, even when I myself question it. Why so? It is because we have experienced and reasoned something which none else was able to do. That brings upon our main topic- the reason why we are here, the reason for you being attacked and all other.”

“Hold on, we STILL haven’t gone through our main point of discussion?”

“It is important for you to understand this before I could explain you any further. Now…”, but there were sounds of footsteps coming towards them; as if someone was running.

“Sorry I’m late. Got Collingwood’s message came here as soon as possible. I have checked the 16th and 17th century but…. Hey peter, good to see you man. Thank God you can see again”, saying that Joshua Matthews hugged his shocked-and-surprised best friend.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Colorado Technical University- Kansas City
0030GMT 1830 local- 3/3/2010

Peter was carefully climbing the steps; he didn’t want to fall down. No one except Collingwood and Joshua knew he was blind. It was difficult in the beginning, getting a grasp of the university surroundings. He needed to make his hearing strong and effective. Surprisingly, just after 1 week, he was able to navigate through the campus easily. But outside campus, he was totally blind. Joshua went with him whenever he wanted to go to the city. One day, all because of his folly and stupidness, Joshua had to lose his life…

Peter bumped into his dormitory door. He took out his keys and opened the door for possibly the last time. He hadn’t even stepped inside the room when someone dragged him forcefully into the room and choke slammed him onto the table.

‘’Well, well, well. What do we have here? A sitting duck…hahahahahahahaha, I didn’t expect you to be so easy.’’

‘’Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?’’

‘’You see, I like to be unique… different from others. That’s why when I felt that you were just like me, I couldn't resist. I had to meet you, to see how you would fare in a battle against me. But now, I'm really amused. You…of all the people are blind. I just want to know Peter, how are you able to…you know…lead a normal life, how are you able to repress the feeling of… teleportation, travelling through time, changing the past, looking onto the future. How many times have you done that? ...TELL ME!!!’’

‘’You are a retarded madman. What the hell do you want? Teleportation… you gone crazy or what? ‘’

‘’so you wanna play, huh? So be it’’’, saying that he threw Peter. Peter landed on his study table, which broke and a splinter pierced his left hand. He screamed in pain. Meanwhile, Blackadder switched on the lights. Then he saw Peter’s face for the first time, and never was more shocked in his life when he saw Peter’s face. It wasn’t the same person.

‘’Who...who the hell are you? TELL ME NOW’’

‘’Peter Hathaway…u only called me so.’’



Blackadder couldn’t believe it. How could this happen? Where did this go wrong? Who the hell was able to confound him? He watched this boy for one year, and now… it’s all in vain. But then who the hell is that boy whose photo he has? The boy who was the only one who could match his strength.

He took a photo out of his pocket and asked Peter, ‘’who the hell is he then? TELL ME NOW’’

''I can't see dammit.''

''He is dark, and has curly hair. you know him don't you..."

Peter almost lost consciousness. there was only one dark coloured person he knew. ‘’he’s Joshua Matthews. He died 6 months ago.’’

‘’Preposterous. He can’t die. A time sequencer can’t die. YOU’RE LYING.’’

A cold voice sprang out, ‘’No, he’s not’’. Then there was a sound resembling thunder, and Peter lost consciousness.

0100GMT 2000 local- 3/3/2010

Gates never so walked as he had that hour. He was desperately waiting for Blackadder to come. He knew Blackadder would be easily able to catch the boy. He needed to regain order of the matter as soon as possible.

‘’Who the f*** did you talk to about this matter?’’. Again Gates startled

‘’No one at all… what happened? It’s been an hour, and you come all bruised and battered. What happened?’’

‘’Then who hell ambushed me in the campus?’’

‘’What are you talking about? Why would I send someone to kill you?’’

Blackadder suddenly felt quiet. He needed to think. Gates went on jabbering ‘’You went after the wrong guy. The guy we are looking for is dead. He died…’’

‘’6 months ago... I need to talk to you about something. Something about which I should’ve talked one year ago.’’

‘’What is it about?’’

‘’The article by the Hathaway boy’’

Colorado Technical University- Kansas City
0045GMT 1845 local- 3/3/2010

‘’Get up Peter, get up’’

‘’Ow, ow, ow! My legs hurting a lot. What happened?’’

‘’’Splinter pierced your leg… you need special attendance. Your bone marrow is exposed.’’

Peter was sure that nothing could stop him from dying. He could finally meet Joshua…apologize to him, thanking him for everything. Suddenly he heard noises going around. The air was colder. The ground he was lying on became hard.

‘’Oh my God!!! Who did this to him?’’

‘’ Schneider, now he knows who to look for’’

‘’I told ya! Double guard this boy, now we all are in deep trouble.’’

‘’No we are not. This was supposed to happen. It was inevitable.’’

‘’We need to operate on his leg quickly… there isn’t much time’’

‘’While you do that, give him a pair of ….’’ But Peter could hear no more. He knew he was imagining all this stuff. He was going to heaven…was he? He prayed frantically to God to let him go to heaven and meet his mother, father and Joshua.

4 hours later
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
0500GMT 0000 local-5/3/2010

Peter opened his eyes. He could finally see! And he was in heaven. Everything was white. And he saw the face of an Angel. No one else could be so pure and white.

‘’Hello peter. I am guessing that you are fine.’’ He got a shock of his life. The voice… it was Collingwood!

‘’Are you in heaven with me?’’ was all he could utter. The creature in front of him laughed, and he knew he was on earth. Collingwood would laugh like this only when something was wrong.

‘’What’s wrong, professor?’’

‘’First: time is exact midnight. Today is 5th of April 2010. And no, you were not unconscious for 1 whole day. In fact you have travelled 1 day further.’’

‘’Wait a sec….what do you mean?’’

‘’Haha…peter, we are wating for a second for the last 1 year in this this laboratory. No movement in time at all. Time basically stopped.’’

Peter was feeling dizzy. Travelled 1 day further…no movement in time…What the hell is happening to him?